1.0-1.1: Released to App Store

1.2 :
* Bible Maps/Art from "Tools": Have "The Complete Sunday School Atlas", "The Rand-McNally Bible Atlas" and "Dore's Bible Illustrations"
public domain maps/art 
* Highlights: can add color-highlight to the verse of scripture 
* Dictionary: have dictionary search button from main window and also serve as "floating" dictionary while reading scripture 
* Search Result: now scripture word search result can be copied or emailed 
* Add Portrait mode from Settings for two bibles view 
* Improve Full Screen bible reading: full screen for bible reading 
* Pinch Zoom-in and Zoom-out: all floating windows can be zoomed-in and out with two fingers-pinching 
* Dictionary: add ISBE, Morrish dictionary 
* Commentary: add Barnes, Gill, TSK("Treasury of Scripture Knowledge") commentary

* "聖經研讀工具"-"聖經地圖史畫": 現有"The Complete Sunday School Atlas", "The Rand-McNally Bible Atlas" and "Dore's Bible Illustrations" public
domain maps/art 
* "加亮": 可以自選顏色對聖經經節加亮(Highlight) 
* "字典浮動視窗": 在主經文視窗中,加入"字典浮動視窗"按鈕,啟動後可有"字典浮動視窗",在閱讀經文的同時,可搜尋聖經字典 
* "經文搜尋": 整個經文搜尋結果現在可以複製或Email出去 
* 在設定中,增加可選定顯示第二個聖經的"Portrait mode" 
* 全文閱讀: 修改增進經文全文閱讀模式 
* 掐指放大縮小: 所有浮動視窗可以藉由兩指掐指來放大或縮小 
* 字典: 增加 ISBE, Morrish 聖經字典; 增加聖經Strong Number原文字典中文版 
* 注釋: 增加 Barnes, Gill, TSK("Treasury of Scripture Knowledge") 注釋

2.0 :
A significant update from 1.x, compatible with ios 5:

New Features:
* Bible Tag: In addition to making a note/bookmark/highlight based on one single bible verse, now can create Tag to include multiple bible verses. For example, can have a Tag named "Forgive" to include all bible verses with reference to "Forgive". With that, you can collect all related bible verses into Tags which you can name and put extra note inside.
* Tools-Browse Dictionary: can browse individual dictionary with alphabetical index.
* Tools-Reading Plan: create personal daily bible reading plan based on your choices of bible books and duration. Includes 4 examples of bible reading plans.
* Tools-Search Commentary: Can search commentary text

* Double-tap bible verse will bring up float bible window, then you can long-press to highlight text to search bible/dictionary/commentary. A convenient feature to save typing and search directly.
* Add "Options" to "Compare Translations", "Search Dictionary", "Search Commentary". From "Options", you can select which bible/dictionary/commentary you're interested in to compare or search.
* "My List: all personal "Note", "Bookmark", "History", "Highlight", and "Tag" are organized into one window with multiples menu tags on top. Click each menu tag to bring it to the front. Also add seacrh capability to "Note" and "Tag".
* Settings-Theme Color: can change color of title bar and tab bar(only ios 5).
* Settings-Gap between Verses: can change the gap/space between verses to prevent from truncation of long bible text
* UI improvements and some bug fixes.


* 聖經註記: 除了可針對某一特定經節增添個人筆記/書籤/加亮之外, 另增添"註記"功能."註記"可以讓你記錄多個相關經節.例如, 你可以建立一個名為"寬恕"的"註記",來紀錄所有有關"寬恕"的經文. 有了"註記", 就可以以類似"專題"的方式來存取跟此"註記"內容相關的經文.
* 聖經研讀工具-瀏覽字典: 提供瀏覽個別字典的功能, 並按英文字母排序索引.
* 聖經研讀工具-搜尋注釋: 提供搜尋注釋的功能.
* 聖經研讀工具-讀經計畫: 可以按照個人讀經進度來建立在多少週/月/年之內來研讀多少聖經書卷的每日讀經計畫.內附四個讀經計畫以供參考.

* 雙擊經文可開啟浮動聖經視窗,長按經文內容可選取字詞,字詞選取之後,馬上跳出搜尋經文/字典/注釋的功能選項.是個節省輸入字詞即刻搜尋的便利功能.
* "經文合參","搜尋字典","搜尋注釋"增加"Options"功能: 由"Options",可只選取那一聖經文本/字典/注釋來作比較或搜尋.
* "我的紀錄": 改進"我的紀錄"介面,利用頂端的Menu Tag來選取"筆記/書籤/加亮/歷史/註記"視窗.另外"筆記/註記"也有搜尋功能.
* 設定-Theme Color: 可依個人喜好,改變title bar以及tab bar的顏色(只有ios5可改變tab bar顏色).
* 設定-Gap between Verses: 增加或減少各節經文之間的行距.有時藉增加經文行距以避免過長經文遭截斷的問題.
* 介面美化及一些功能除錯.